Monday, September 6, 2010

So 3 Weeks Later....

APOLOGIES! I got super behind on this blog of mine. And now am having trouble recalling all that has gone by in three more awesome weeks in Denmark! But please, bear with me, I will try my best to recap the overarching scheme of things. So 3 weeks ago it was my third week here in Denmark. And nothing interesting happened! Or so I remember. :D Honestly, I know I had a great week, probably made more friends, felt more at home, etc. But nothing mind boggling!! Don't worry, I hope I will never have to sum up a week into a single sentence again. I promise in the future to stay on top of the updates! Anyways! Enough about my failings, the great news is that the week after that I went to the Rotary sponsored Language Camp in Bjerringbro!!!! One of the better weeks of my life. There is 157 of us inbound exchange students, compared to around 50 at the last camp. So a lot busier, but a lot more fun as well. The week was full of tons of activities, trips to the cities of Viborg and Aarhus and tons of Danish. I am now fluent in Danglish, the combination of the Danish and English languages to create sentences that make absolutely no sense! "cheers" The teachers were a great help though. Supplying tons of info, many workbooks, to continue our learning after, and in general a listening ear. One of the real treats of this week was seeing the other exchange students. Never before have I seen around 30 Brazilians break out into spontaneous song with naught but a tiny guitar intro. As soon as their song was done, the Mexicans, not to be outdone, would have their own little concert whilst the Canadians and Americans were wondering what they could sing. (we never did) :( On Thursday night they actually had a pretty popular Danish band play a private concert for us, the Striving Vines, search for them, they are worth it. So you have probably gotten my drift when I say Language Camp was awesome! Last week I had to put my nose back to the grindstone however and get back to school. All in all, not that hard to do considering I'm not expected to do anything. Still haven't become quite comfortable enough to join in the ridiculous shower fun that the Danish boys have. They take European openness to a whole new level. As for what they do for fun, it's pretty much party, sports and chase after hot girls. So the regular teenager? I'm not sure, they are pretty nuts over here if you ask me...some of the stories I hear...hahaha. But as usual, life is good. I'm comfortable, happy, working on my danglish, so it's all coming together. Enjoying every minute! And you better enjoy this effort, or lack thereof, I put into this post! OR ELSE!

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