Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good Weekend

Herro everyone!

Went to an ice hockey game today in Herning, a nearby city, and man was it a great time. The Herning Blue Fox vs. Sonderjysk, second and first in the league respectively. The away team had a 2 goal lead going in to the third period, then the Blue Foxes made a remarkable comeback to steal a win 3 to 2. The atmosphere was actually way more electric than I thought it would be, overall a fantastic time.

Heres a link to some photos

On a more sad side note. I have a feeling that I am not using Danish enough. It's become "okay" in my head to just speak english when I don't wanna go through the bother of conjugation and finding out which proposition to use. By the way. Danish propositions SUCK! haha. But I am resolving to turn this cycle around. No doubt about that.


  1. Crazy? I think so. I was google searching my blog name and it came up yours.

    We were in Denmark during the same time too!

  2. Hi! I'm really glad I found your blog. I will be attending the Mahindra United World College of India next year for which I also started a blog and it's great to read someone's else's experiences with studying abroad and leaving home for a year.
